HEEYYYY I am aromantic (grayromantic if you wanna get specific)!! kisses to all my aros, pls say hi I wish I had time to make a comic about my experience with aromanticism +
HEEYYYY I am aromantic (grayromantic if you wanna get specific)!! kisses to all my aros, pls say hi I wish I had time to make a comic about my experience with aromanticism +,Aces, Aros and Enbies - Credit: Sex Positive Education (sexedplus on Tumblr) Definitions from aromantic.lgbt, with slight edits: Aro: Somebody who is on the aromantic spectrum. Aromantic Spectrum(Arospec): Someone who is not,aroacefaq on Tumblr,aroacefaq on Tumblr,SEIKO / セイコー】Exclusive AP STUDIO x HIROB 2way wrist watch【別注】 - 通販最安値,